
April 7th 1919 - Proclamation of the Bavarian Soviet Republic


April 7th 1919 : In Munich the Bavarian Soviet Republic is being proclaimed. After the assassination of the Bavarian Prime Minister Kurt Eisner revolutionaries seize the opportunity and take power in the city for a month. It was a turbulent time. The acting prime minister was forced to flee and relocated to Bamberg. Only when he let volunteer-corp units to march on the state capital and received support from Defense Minister Noske in Berlin in the form of regular troops, the tide turned. Violent armed confrontations took place in Munich. In early May the Bavarian Soviet Republic was eventually removed by force.

Länge: 00:00:54 | O-Ton: nein | Farbe: s/w | Jahr: 1919 | Clip-ID: JHT000051E


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