
April 26th 1925 - Paul von Hindenburg becomes President of the Reich


April 26th 1925. Paul von Hindenburg, Field Marshal and hero of World War I, is elected the new President of Germany. He is a controversial figure. His past binds him closely to right-wing parties, which helped him to achieve a relative majority during the election. Hindenburgs election victory was accompanied by military parades and celebrated in Berlin with great pomp. It was a victory for the right the conservative military and monarchists who regarded him as a healing figure and as a return to the old order. The elections of April 1925 were to also pave the way for Hitler in the long term. Disregarding the dangers posed by the Nazis Hindenburg appointed him chancellor in January of 1933 and equipped him with powers which were to clear the path to dictatorship.

Länge: 00:01:06 | O-Ton: nein | Farbe: s/w | Jahr: 1925 | Clip-ID: JHT000054E


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