
May 10th 1940 - The beginning of Hitlers western campaign '


May 10th 1940: The beginning of Hitlers western campaign. After a successful blitzkrieg against Poland the invasion of Belgium Luxembourg and the Netherlands was the prelude to his last great military triumph of World War II - the occupation of France. Despite fierce resistance from French and British units the dictator was able to advance to Paris within a few weeks. The British troops had to disembark at Dunkirk and leave the mainland. On June 22nd 1940 the French leadership finally capitulated in the forest of Compiegne at the exact spot where in 1918 a German delegation had signed the defeat of the Empire. Hitler's invasion of the French capital was celebrated accordingly by the Nazi propaganda machine. The defeat of France was viewed as amendment for the dictated peace of Versailles which had humiliated and weakened Germany.

Länge: 00:01:13 | O-Ton: nein | Farbe: s/w | Jahr: 1940 | Clip-ID: JHT000058E




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