
June 24th 1948 - Beginning of the Soviet blockade of Berlin


June 24th 1948: After the failed attempt to impose a uniform currency in all sectors of Berlin, the Soviet occupation forces blocked all access roads into the city. Highways stay empty, energy and food supplies are cut off. West Berlin faces the most difficult crisis of the postwar period. Electricity may only be used at certain times, Berliners help themselves in their own way. As funny as these pictures may seem, the situation was most dire. Through loudspeaker vans the residents were able to get a sense of the situation, which they were not able to solve on their own. How much longer, they asked themselves. And “Who will help us?” The Berlin blockade lasted until September of 1949, and could only be overcome with the support of the Allied airlift.

Länge: 00:01:04 | O-Ton: nein | Farbe: s/w | Jahr: 1948 | Clip-ID: JHT000066E




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