
November 12th 1955 - Birth of the Bundeswehr


November 12th 1955: With the swearing in of the first volunteers for the still to be established army, West Germany is admitted back into the circle of armed powers. The creation was preceded by secret negotiations of the Adenauer government and the Federal Republic joining NATO in May of 1955. The enlistment of recruits who consisted mostly of people belonging to the Federal border guards, caused some heated controversy amongst the general public. Both the use of former Wehrmacht officers and the introduction of a mandatory military service, got a large number of people to take to the road.

Länge: 00:00:49 | O-Ton: nein | Farbe: s/w | Jahr: 1955 | Clip-ID: JHT000116E




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13. Oktober 1949 // Gründung des DGB
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