
May 12th 1940 -First Allied air raid on Germany


May 12th 1940: With a first, small air raid on Mönchengladbach by the British Royal Air Force, the almost five-year long nightmare for the civilian population of Germany begins. Insufficiently protected and crammed into bomb shelters, it was soon hit by aerial attacks, which gained infernal proportions since the US had entered the war. The Allies used so-called “block busters”, phosphorus and incendiary bombs. To great effect. Not only were whole cities reduced to rubble and ash, but also their inhabitants deeply traumatized, if they indeed survived the attacks. The attack on Cologne in May 1942, the firestorm in Hamburg in 1943 and in Dresden in early 1945, are exemplary for a war that was started by the Nazi leadership, but consequently had to be paid for by the civilian population.

Länge: 00:01:07 | O-Ton: nein | Farbe: s/w | Jahr: 1940 | Clip-ID: JHT000117E


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