
January 8th 1918 - U.S. President Wilson proposes peace program


On January 8th 1918, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, announces a 14-point program to end the 1st World War. Long the U.S. president had tried to take the role of a neutral mediator during the war. The U.S. did not declare war on Germany until April 1917. Due to the "unrestricted submarine warfare" of the German side, the United States saw their transatlantic trade relations at risk. In his 14-point program Wilson consequentially called for the "full freedom of navigation on the seas, ..., both in peacetime as in war." under point 2. Wilsons demands such as the evacuation by the German Reich of Belgium and the occupied Russian and French territories were incorporated shortly after into the peace treaty of Versailles which however will strongly be attacked but the German side particularly in very conservative circles. Wilson thus fails in achieving his goal to create the basis with his14 point program for a just and lasting order for peace. However under item 14 of his program the former professor of history and political science for the first time creates the vision of the "United Nations" a forum in which nations in the future were to resolve their conflicts peacefully. Due to this idea directly after World War I in 1919 the League of Nations is established and based in Geneva. Its main purpose was to secure world peace specifically through arms limitation Article 8 peaceful resolution of disputes Article 12 and the promotion of intergovernmental cooperation.

Länge: 00:01:39 | O-Ton: nein | Farbe: s/w | Jahr: 1918 | Clip-ID: JHT000121E




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26. Januar 1934 // Nichtangriffspakt Deutschland-Polen
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