
February 3rd 1952 - Groundbreaking ceremony for the Stalin Allee in East Berlin


February 3rd 1952: With the groundbreaking ceremony for the first apartment block on the new Stalin Allee (Avenue) in East Berlin, the SED leadership commits itself publicly to its spiritual father, the Soviet head of state, Josef Stalin. The building was a crucial step in the revival of the city, which especially in the eastern sector still carried traces of the devastation of World War II. As part of the National Reconstruction Program of the German Democratic Republic the Stalin Allee was prestigious project, which was also to reveal the weakness of the system. The origins of the riots of June 17th 1953 were construction workers, who protested against increased labor standards and poor food. The SED had probably not expected, that this would evolve into a popular uprising against the government of the GDR.

Länge: 00:00:58 | O-Ton: nein | Farbe: s/w | Jahr: 1952 | Clip-ID: JHT000128E




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