
June 23rd 1894 - Establishing of the Olympic Committee


On June 23rd 1894 the 13 founding members from different countries found the International Olympic Committee at the initiative of Pierre de Coubertin. The IOC promotes from now on the first modern Games to be held in Athens in 1896 - 1500 years after the ban of the old games by Emperor Theodosius. About 300 athletes from 14 countries compete for victory. To compete in athletic contests, rather than to make war on the battlefields of the world - that was Coubertins idea. His desire to overcome national egoism and to advocate international understanding stayed the ideal of the Olympic Games although the athletic competition has been abused for political purposes time and time again.

Länge: 00:00:57 | O-Ton: nein | Farbe: s/w | Jahr: 1894 | Clip-ID: JHT000152E


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