
August 20th 1942 - Freisler is appointed as President of the Peoples Court by Adolf Hitler.


On August 20th 1942: Roland Freisler is appointed as President of the Peoples Court by Adolf Hitler. Freisler joined the Nazi party in 1925. From then on he defends party members and after 1933 becomes state secretary in the Ministry of Justice and a most eager advocate of a National Socialist judiciary. Rule of law means nothing to the lawyer Freisler. He uses law as a political instrument and as the President of the People's Court he becomes an executioner dressed in a red robe. Under his presidency the people's court becomes a mere instrument of terror. He sentences more than 50% of all defendants to death. Prior to sentencing he already tries to destroy them verbally

Länge: 00:02:17 | O-Ton: nein | Farbe: s/w | Jahr: 1942 | Clip-ID: JHT000162E




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