
August 22nd 1902 - Riefenstahl is born


On 22 August 1902: Leni Riefenstahl is born. The dancer, actress and director, became famous as well as infamous for her collaboration with the Nazis during the III. Reich. Riefenstahl becomes the "eye of the Führer." She shapes the public image of the Nazi regime and party leaders right from the beginning with her artfully composed documentaries "Victory of Faith" and "Triumph of the Will". Through the ornamentation of the masses, she suggests in her images an all-encompassing cohesion between leader and people. She inflates Hitler and so uses formal design elements of film ambitiously for propaganda purposes. Hitler quickly recognizes the propagandistic power of the director. He gives her free hand in the production of "Triumph of the Will". So she captures the events of the Reichs Party Congress in 1934 in Nuremberg, while using unusually high costs, with 16 camera crews and over 100 employees. In 1936 Riefenstahl also celebrates her fascination with power and strength in her two-part film Olympia. Following the end of World War II, because of her complicity with the Nazi regime, the person Leni Riefenstahl and her work are always a source of heated debate in Germany.

Länge: 00:01:36 | O-Ton: nein | Farbe: s/w | Jahr: 1902 | Clip-ID: JHT000163E




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