
February 7th 1929 - Alfred Döblin


February 7th 1929: Alfred Döblins famous novel "Berlin Alexanderplatz" is published for the first time in Germany. The book parts seen here in a film version with Henry George from 1931 depicts the rise and fall of the Franz Biber convicted of manslaughter who tries in the Berlin of the 1920s to make a new life for himself after his release from prison. Döblin's novel counts as a classic of expressionist literature. Not only his natural reproduction of the milieu of pimps and pimps but his collage-like description of the city and its uprooted and socially disadvantaged inhabitants is unique and also an important historical document to historians.

Länge: 00:00:56 | O-Ton: ja | Farbe: s/w | Jahr: 1929 | Clip-ID: JHT000170E



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3. Mai 1968 // Mai-Unruhen in Paris
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