
February 15th 1902 - First Subway in Berlin


February 15th 1902: After 5 years of construction, the so-called “ministerial ride” is made. The first subway or elevated railway in Berlin is in operation. In the presence of the Prussian minister Karl von Thiele the trip starts at Potsdamer Platz and ends at Stralauer gate. It was the start to a major project, which today supplies the city with an extensive rail network. In 1914 it covered nearly 38 km in total track-distance, the network currently covers 144 km of tracks, used by 9 subway lines and connecting 170 stations to one another. The Berlin Subway network, called “U-Bahn”, was designed for the most part during the reign of William II. It is a milestone in Germanys transportation history. As for its length it by far exceeds all other German metro networks and occupies the 12th place in the world rankings.

Länge: 00:01:04 | O-Ton: nein | Farbe: s/w | Jahr: 1902 | Clip-ID: JHT000178E


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