
October 11th 1949 - Wilhelm Pieck becomes the first President of East Germany


On October 11th 1949: Wilhelm Pieck becomes the first president of the German Democratic Republic. Pieck is an icon of the German Communist resistance against the Nazi dictatorship. After the arrest of Ernst Thalmann in 1933 Pieck takes the chairmanship of the Communist Party. He leads the work in the underground at first from Paris, and then later in exile from Moscow. Pieck is one of the initiators of the National Committee for a Free Germany in 1943. It has at its goal to step up the resistance against Hitler and Germany. After returning to Germany in 1945 the party leader forces a unification process with the SPD. In 1946 he becomes Chairman of the Socialist Unity Party (SED), along with the Social Democrat Otto Grotewohl. After his election in 1949 Pieck is confirmed as president in 1953 and 1957. He remains the head of state of the GDR until his death in 1960. In his capacity as the states first representative Wilhelm Pieck meets the greats of the Communist hemisphere the revolutionary leader "Ho Tshi Mingh" and the Soviet Communist Party leader Nikita Khrushchev.

Länge: 00:01:36 | O-Ton: nein | Farbe: s/w | Jahr: 1949 | Clip-ID: JHT000229E


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