
December 14th 1920 – Film premiere of "Anna Boleyn"


December 14th 1920: Ernst Lubitsch film "Anna Boleyn" premiers at the Berlin UFA-Palast. The spectacle, with Emil Jannings and Henny Porten in the lead roles, was shot from July to October 1920 in Tempelhof, Berlin on the Liepnitzsee at Wandlitz and attracted, alongside the usual onlookers, also the president of the Empire, Friedrich Ebert. For Lubitsch the silent film, shot in six acts, was a great success. With more than 4,000 extras and elaborate set designs, he used the historical material expertly and earned praise at home and abroad.

Länge: 00:00:50 | O-Ton: nein | Farbe: s/w | Jahr: 1920 | Clip-ID: JHT000242E


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