
January 2nd 1945 - Bombing of Nuremberg


On January 2nd 1945 a heavy bombing raid occurs on Nuremberg. Here images from the summer of 1945 after the occupation by U.S. troops. The city was one of the preferred targets for Allied air raids during the Second World War. This was due on the one hand, to its strong industry and its role as a traffic hub, on the other hand, it was due to its symbolic importance as the "City of the Reich Party Rallies" The attack of January 2nd 1945 caused the greatest destruction, when 521 RAF bombers dropped 6000-explosive bombs and a million incendiary bombs within half an hour. From the attack the population suffered more than 2,000 dead and 100,000 homeless. The Old Town was destroyed completely, the city as a whole heavily damaged. The bombing raids came to an end early April 1945. A lot of historical buildings were destroyed again during the five-day battle for Nuremberg in April of 1945. On April 20th, Nuremberg is occupied by units of the 7th U.S. Army. In total, Nuremberg was the most destroyed German city after Dresden. At times there were deliberations about abandoning the destroyed city as whole and to rebuild it elsewhere.

Länge: 00:01:36 | O-Ton: nein | Farbe: ja | Jahr: 1945 | Clip-ID: JHT000287E




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