
December 28th, 1925 – Hildegard Knef is born


Hildegard Knef is born on December 28th, 1925. Immediately following the end of World War II her career takes off at DEFA and in 1946 she plays the female lead in the first post-war film "The Murderers Are Among Us," directed by Wolfgang Staudte. It would also mark her international breakthrough as a character actress. Hildegard Knef is now seen on both the stage and in many films. After a few appearances in international films and on Broadway, she also found success in the 60s and 70's as a chanson-singer and book author. '

Länge: 00:00:48 | O-Ton: nein | Farbe: s/w | Jahr: 1925 | Clip-ID: JHT000315E




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