
December 29th, 1991 - “Stasi Files Act” comes into effect


Nearly two years after the people stormed the Stasi headquarters in East Germany, the “Stasi Documents and Files Act” comes into effect on December 29th, 1991. The Act regulates the processing of files from the former Ministry for State Security and was established by the Citizens Committee just before the end of Communist East Germany, also known as “die Wende”(The Change). This law enabled tens of thousands of people to review their Stasi files at the Gauck and later Birthler administration; courts and agencies could use the documents as evidence in trials for restitution purposes, academics and journalists could use the documents for their research.

Länge: 00:00:51 | O-Ton: nein | Farbe: ja | Jahr: 1991 | Clip-ID: JHT000316E


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