
October 26th, 1919 – The last Shah of Persia is born


On October 26th, 1919 the last Shah of Persia, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi was born. In 1941, during the Second World War, British and Soviet troops occupied Iran. They were later joined by American troops. The American weapons supply route was supposed to stretch through the country from the Persian Gulf to the Soviet Union. The father of Mohammed Reza Shah was forced to abdicate. A puppet politician was to be appointed, but the Iranian Parliament was quicker than the Allies in 1941 when they successfully swore in Mohammad Reza as Shah. For the time after the war Iran was guaranteed the withdrawal of allied troops and adequate compensation for the burdens of war. In 1945, after the end of World War II, the Western Allies withdrew their troops, but the Soviet Union refused. The U.S. subsequently threatened with the re-invasion of Iran. The Soviet Union then gave in. The Iran crisis marked the beginning of the Cold War. In 1951 the Iranian Parliament voted on the initiative of Prime Minister Mossadegh to nationalize the oil industry in the country, which was under British control. He defended his position at the United Nations. The Shah tried to dismiss Mossadegh. He refused. The Shah had lost his authority and went into exile in Rome. The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency conducted an operation that eventually led to the overthrow of Mossadegh. In 1953 the Shah returned. In 1962, against the opposition of landowners and clergy a large land reform went into effect: The landowners had to sell most of their land to the state, which was then sold at low prices to landless farmers. The reforms were bundled in the reform program ”The White Revolution" in 1963. Iran was to be converted from a feudal agricultural state into a modern industrial state. With a large majority, the program was adopted by a national referendum. JHT000361C November 29th, 1947 - UN decides on partition plan for Palestine The UN partition plan for Palestine was adopted on November 29th, 1947 by the UN General Assembly Resolution 181. The plan divided Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state. Greater Jerusalem should be under international control. Palestine was divided in such a way that within the various areas either of the two groups constituted the majority of the population. In addition, areas of economic interest should be shared as equally as possible. (original sound bite) The majority of Jews accepted the plan, but the radical nationalists felt it did not go far enough. The Arab leaders rejected it outright. On May 14th, 1948 the Jews moved forward and founded the State of Israel. The next day the Arab League declared war on Israel.

Länge: 00:02:24 | O-Ton: nein | Farbe: s/w | Jahr: 1919 | Clip-ID: JHT000354E



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