
March 9th, 1945 – Tokyo bombing


In November 1944 the United States began with the bombing of the Japanese capital Tokyo. The conquest of Pacific Islands, ever so close to Japan, made an intensification of U.S. air attacks possible. The assessment was made, that the light wood constructions of Japanese houses, would make the effect of fire bombs far greater than that of high explosive bombs. On the night of March 9th, 1945, U.S. bombers flew an air strike on the Japanese capital. Napalm scatter-bombs and phosphorous-bombs were used. Over 200,000 houses were destroyed by fire, over a million people rendered homeless. The death toll exceeded that of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Here are images of the attack on Hiroshima. The March 9th attacks on Tokyo, with over 100,000 dead, stands alone in history as the most severe conventional bomb attack.

Länge: 00:01:14 | O-Ton: nein | Farbe: ja | Jahr: 1945 | Clip-ID: JHT000371E




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5. Mai 1977 // Todestag Ludwig Erhard
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