
April 26th, 1986 - Chernobyl disaster - worst-case scenario (super MCA)


On April 26th, 1986 a turbine failure occurs in block 4 of the "Lenin" - Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Six seconds after the emergency shut off it comes to a worst case scenario situation (super MCA), the core meltdown. The block explodes and immediately releases about 25 percent of radioactivity. The remainder passes through the environment over the next 14 days. Ukraine, Belarus and Russia are affected the most by the radioactive rain and fallout. Entire cities are contaminated. Official numbers estimate 58 radiation deaths and up to 4,000 dead as a long-term consequence; other studies such as the ones of Greenpeace, estimate up to 270,000 additional cases of cancer and up to 93,000 deaths in the directly affected regions, all as a late result of the Chernobyl disaster. Due to the high radiation levels right on the destroyed reactor, rescue workers can only stay up to 70 seconds; fauna and flora are contaminated to such an extent that they have to be leveled to the ground with remote controlled devices. Chernobyl becomes a death zone. Due to the strong winds from the East, the Chernobyl disaster affected many areas in Western and Northern Europe, pushing the fallout far into Europe. Fresh milk and garden foods, meadows and fields were inaccessible to humans and animals for months.

Länge: 00:01:51 | O-Ton: nein | Farbe: ja | Jahr: 1986 | Clip-ID: JHT000404E


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