Online-Recherche zeitgeschichtliche Filmaufnahmen und Fotos

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Jahrestag // March 31st 1939 - British-French form the Anglo-Polish military alliance in support of Poland

On March 31st 1939 the Anglo-Polish military alliance comes into force. It provides that France and Britain would create an offensive on ...

Länge: 00:01:18
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1939
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Jahrestag // January 7th 1939 - Delivery of the new Reich Chancellery

January 7th 1939: In Berlins Vossstrasse Hitler's new Reich Chancellery is to be opened at the annual diplomatic reception. The buildin ...

Länge: 00:00:56
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1939
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Jahrestag // March 15th 1939 - German invasion of Czechoslovakia

March 15th 1939: German troops march on Czechoslovakia. A brief prelude to the start of World War II, for Hitler a triumph repeated over ...

Länge: 00:00:51
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1939
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Jahrestag // August 23rd 1939 - The non-aggression act between the Soviet-Union and Germany

August 23rd 1939 - Nazi Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop arrives in Moscow to sign the German-Soviet non-aggression pact. It is a ...

Länge: 00:01:05
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1939
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Jahrestag // October 5th, 1937 - USA announces an isolationist policy

While in Europe the signs point towards war, the majority of the U.S. population are pacifists and want the U.S. to take on a neutral po ...

Länge: 00:01:21
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1937
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Jahrestag // July 17th, 1936 - Beginning of Spanish Civil war

July 17th, 1936 - after a coup of fascist oriented officers, civil war breaks out in Spain. Its an uneven conflict. The rebels receive ...

Länge: 00:00:56
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: ja
Jahr: 1936
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Jahrestag // March 7th 1936 - Occupation of the Rhineland

March 7th 1936 : Adolf Hitler orders the occupation of the demilitarized Rhineland. The invasion, which violated both of the provisions ...

Länge: 00:01:03
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1936
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Jahrestag // January 13th, 1935 - Saarland votes for the annexation to the German Reich

January 13th, 1935: Two years after Hitler came to power, over 90% of the registered voters in the Saarland vote for the return of their ...

Länge: 00:01:04
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1935
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Jahrestag // March 16th 1935 - Re-introduction of conscription in Nazi Germany

March 16th 1935: Adolf Hitler announces the reintroduction of conscription in the German Reich. This act, which, such as the operation o ...

Länge: 00:00:54
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1935
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Jahrestag // January 10th 1934 - Trial of the Reichstag Fire

On the night of the 27th to the 28th of February 1933 the Reichstag burns in Berlin, Germany. The fire department concludes it to be ars ...

Länge: 00:02:04
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: ja
Jahr: 1934
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Jahrestag // January 26th 1934 - German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact

After the coming into force of the Versailles Treaty, Polish troops occupy the areas assigned by Germany and cut off East Prussia from ...

Länge: 00:01:20
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1934
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Jahrestag // August 2nd 1934 – Paul von Hindenburg dies

Paul von Hindenburg dies on August 2nd 1934. In 1925, the conservative veteran of World War I, who in 1919 still propagates the myth o ...

Länge: 00:01:34
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1934
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Jahrestag // September 3rd 1933 - Nazi Party Rally

September 3rd 1933: The first Reich Party Congress after the seizure of power ends in Nuremberg. It is documented by director Leni Riefe ...

Länge: 00:00:49
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1933
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Jahrestag // January 4th 1933- Meeting of Papen-Hitler

Franz von Papen. In 1946, he is on trial before the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal. The charge: Papen was Hitlers "lapdog". The former ch ...

Länge: 00:01:36
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1933
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Jahrestag // March 23rd 1933 - Enabling Act

March 23rd 1933: With the vote of the Reichstag on the "Law to Remedy the Distress of the People and the Nation", the German democracy d ...

Länge: 00:00:52
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1933
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Jahrestag // January 30th 1933 - Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor

January 30th 1933: A few hours after his appointment as Reich Chancellor, Adolf Hitler faces the cameras alongside Vice Chancellor Franz ...

Länge: 00:00:53
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1933
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Jahrestag // March 30th, 1930 - Heinrich Brüning becomes chancellor

On March 30th, 1930, the Center politician Heinrich Brüning becomes chancellor in Germany. He first forms a minority government, and fo ...

Länge: 00:01:04
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1930
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Jahrestag // April 26th 1925 - Paul von Hindenburg becomes President of the Reich

April 26th 1925. Paul von Hindenburg, Field Marshal and hero of World War I, is elected the new President of Germany. He is a controvers ...

Länge: 00:01:06
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1925
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Jahrestag // July 18th 1924 - Establishment of the Red Front Fighters League

July 18th 1924: The Red Front Fighters League is established in Thuringia as a paramilitary security force of the Communist Party. It wa ...

Länge: 00:01:04
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1924

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Ihre Merkliste

Sie haben 1 Datei auf Ihrer Merkliste.

Clip zum heutigen Jahrestag

4. Mai 1980 // Todestag Tito

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