Online-Recherche zeitgeschichtliche Filmaufnahmen und Fotos

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Jahrestag // January 15th 1919 - Death of Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknecht

January 15th 1919: The leaders of the Communist Party, Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknecht are murdered in Berlin by members of the volu ...

Länge: 00:00:47
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1919
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Jahrestag // January 21st 1924 - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin dies

On January 21st 1924 Vladimir Ilyich Lenin dies. Several strokes and the after effects of two assassination attempts had strongly reduce ...

Länge: 00:01:24
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1924
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Jahrestag // January 30th 1933 - Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor

January 30th 1933: A few hours after his appointment as Reich Chancellor, Adolf Hitler faces the cameras alongside Vice Chancellor Franz ...

Länge: 00:00:53
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1933
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Jahrestag // February 1st 1933 - Dissolution of the Reichstag

On February 1st 1933 president of the Reich Paul von Hindenburg, at Hitlers request dissolves the German Reichstag. Two days earlier o ...

Länge: 00:01:34
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1933
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Jahrestag // February 8th 1950 - The creation of the East German State Security

On February 8th 1950 the Provisional Peoples Chamber of the GDR decides the formation of the Ministry for State Security. The Ministry f ...

Länge: 00:02:16
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1950
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Jahrestag // February 14th 1956 - Khrushchev launches De-Stalinization of the Soviet Communist Party

On February 14th 1956 the 20th congress of the Communists Party of the Soviet Union (or “CPSU”) starts in Moscow. It is the first co ...

Länge: 00:00:40
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1956
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Jahrestag // February 16th 1964 - Willy Brandt becomes SPD Chairman

At an extraordinary party congress on the 15th and 16th of February of 1964, the former mayor of Berlin Willy Brandt, is elected by the ...

Länge: 00:01:23
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1964
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Jahrestag // February 20th 1933 - Meeting between Hitler and representatives of heavy industry

On February 20th 1933 Hermann Goering invites 24 leading industrialists to a meeting with Adolf Hitler at the Reichstag Presidents pala ...

Länge: 00:01:18
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1933
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Jahrestag // February 23rd 1918 - Formation of the Red Army

The 23rd of February, 1918 is considered the founding date of the Red Army. Leon Trotsky, the Peoples Commissar for the military matters ...

Länge: 00:01:26
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1918
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Jahrestag // February 24th 1956 - Khrushchev proclaims peaceful coexistence

On February 24th 1956 the delegates of the 20th Congress of the CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union)vote to approve the new foreig ...

Länge: 00:01:47
O-Ton: ja
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1956
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Jahrestag // February 25th 1932 - Hitler is granted German citizenship

Adolf Hitler - not German? An unbearable thought for his party comrades in 1932, and yet it is true: Hitler was born in 1889 in Braunau ...

Länge: 00:01:11
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1932
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Jahrestag // February 28th 1925 - Friedrich Ebert dies

February 28th 1925: The first president of the Weimar Republic, Friedrich Ebert dies. Born in 1871 in Heidelberg, the SPD politician is ...

Länge: 00:01:24
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1925
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Jahrestag // March 11th 1985 - Mikhail Gorbachev becomes general secretary of the CPSU

March 11th 1985: Mikhail Gorbachev becomes General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party. Gorbachev heads the reconstruction of the So ...

Länge: 00:00:50
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: ja
Jahr: 1985
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Jahrestag // March 19th 1949 – Decision to form a constitution for the GDR

March 19th 1949: The formal decision of forming a constitution for the German Democratic Republic was initiated by the Socialist Unity P ...

Länge: 00:00:54
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1949
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Jahrestag // March 20th 1925 - Chiang Kai Shek takes over leadership of the Kuomintang

March 20th 1925: In China Chiang Kai Shek becomes head of the Nationalist Party Kuomintang. Originally forming a united front, along wit ...

Länge: 00:01:01
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: ja
Jahr: 1925
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Jahrestag // March 21st 1871 - Otto von Bismarck becomes Chancellor

In January 1871 Otto von Bismarck - in the Palace of Versailles – launches the Prussian-German National State. On March 21st 1871 th ...

Länge: 00:00:59
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1871
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Jahrestag // March 28th, 1935 - Premiere of the Nazi propaganda film

On March 28th, 1935, the premiere of Leni Riefenstahl’s film "Triumph of the Will" takes place in the presence of Hitler at the Berlin ...

Länge: 00:00:53
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: ja
Jahr: 1935
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Jahrestag // March 30th, 1930 - Heinrich Brüning becomes chancellor

On March 30th, 1930, the Center politician Heinrich Brüning becomes chancellor in Germany. He first forms a minority government, and fo ...

Länge: 00:01:04
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1930
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Jahrestag // 3. April 1930 - Helmut Kohl is born

Helmut Kohl, born on 3 April 1930 in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, witnesses the highlight of his political career in the autumn of 1990: the r ...

Länge: 00:02:11
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1930

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Ihre Merkliste

Sie haben 1 Datei auf Ihrer Merkliste.

Clip zum heutigen Jahrestag

29. April 1945 // Befreiung des KZ Dachau

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