Online-Recherche zeitgeschichtliche Filmaufnahmen und Fotos

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Jahrestag // December 29th, 1991 - “Stasi Files Act” comes into effect

Nearly two years after the people stormed the Stasi headquarters in East Germany, the “Stasi Documents and Files Act” comes into eff ...

Länge: 00:00:51
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: ja
Jahr: 1991
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Jahrestag // December 30th, 1922 – Foundation of the USSR

After the October Revolution and the takeover by the Bolsheviks in Russia, a civil war with the deposed nobility and its followers, brok ...

Länge: 00:01:11
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1922
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Jahrestag // December 31st 1948 - Landing of the 100,000th aircraft of the Berlin Air-Bridge

December 31st 1948: The 100,000th aircraft of the allied airlift lands in Berlin. For the Western part of the city, blocked off by the ...

Länge: 00:00:50
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1948
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Jahrestag // January 1st 1947 - Establishment of the Bi-Zone

In December 1946, one of the coldest winter breaks out over post-war Germany, which lay in ruins. Traffic almost reaches a complete stan ...

Länge: 00:01:26
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1947
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Jahrestag // January 2nd 1945 - Bombing of Nuremberg

On January 2nd 1945 a heavy bombing raid occurs on Nuremberg. Here images from the summer of 1945 after the occupation by U.S. troops. ...

Länge: 00:01:36
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: ja
Jahr: 1945
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Jahrestag // January 3rd 1876 - Wilhelm Pieck is born

January 3rd 1876 is the birthday of Wilhelm Pieck. Pieck, a Communist icon of the German resistance against the Nazi dictatorship, seen ...

Länge: 00:00:56
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1876
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Jahrestag // January 4th 1933- Meeting of Papen-Hitler

Franz von Papen. In 1946, he is on trial before the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal. The charge: Papen was Hitlers "lapdog". The former ch ...

Länge: 00:01:36
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1933
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Jahrestag // January 5th 1919 - Spartacus-uprising in Berlin

January 5th 1919: The so-called Spartacus uprising, with which the Communists and the left wing of the Independent Social Democrats atte ...

Länge: 00:00:54
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1919
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Jahrestag // January 6th 1990 - Germanys Federal Government: Leaving of transit routes prohibited'

Following the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9th, 1989 the way for East Germans into West Germany was open. The old rules for entry ...

Länge: 00:00:37
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: ja
Jahr: 1990
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Jahrestag // January 7th 1939 - Delivery of the new Reich Chancellery

January 7th 1939: In Berlins Vossstrasse Hitler's new Reich Chancellery is to be opened at the annual diplomatic reception. The buildin ...

Länge: 00:00:56
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1939
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Jahrestag // January 8th 1918 - U.S. President Wilson proposes peace program

On January 8th 1918, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, announces a 14-point program to end the 1st World War. Long the U.S. president had t ...

Länge: 00:01:39
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1918
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Jahrestag // January 9th 1960 - Aswan Dam

January 9th 1960: The construction of the Aswan Dam begins. The opening of the dam is to enable the development of new areas in the Nile ...

Länge: 00:01:33
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1960
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Jahrestag // January 10th 1934 - Trial of the Reichstag Fire

On the night of the 27th to the 28th of February 1933 the Reichstag burns in Berlin, Germany. The fire department concludes it to be ars ...

Länge: 00:02:04
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: ja
Jahr: 1934
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Jahrestag // January 11th 1923 - Occupation of the Ruhr

January 11th 1923: For the alleged tardiness of the German Empire in complying with the provisions of the treaty of Versailles, French a ...

Länge: 00:01:05
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1923
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Jahrestag // January 12th 1904 - Start of the “Herero uprising” in German-Southwest Africa

January 12th 1904: In the imperial colony of German Southwest Africa, the so-called “Herero uprising” breaks out against the German ...

Länge: 00:00:47
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1904
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Jahrestag // January 13th, 1935 - Saarland votes for the annexation to the German Reich

January 13th, 1935: Two years after Hitler came to power, over 90% of the registered voters in the Saarland vote for the return of their ...

Länge: 00:01:04
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1935
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Jahrestag // January 14th 1953 - Tito becomes president of Yugoslavia

January 14th 1953: Josip Broz Tito becomes President of the Republic of Yugoslavia, which was created as a result of the new postwar or ...

Länge: 00:00:56
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1953
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Jahrestag // January 14th 1944 - The Start of the Battle of Monte Cassino

On January17th 1944 the battle for Monte Cassino begins, one of the longest battles of the Second World War. Four months battles with he ...

Länge: 00:01:14
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1944
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Jahrestag // January 15th 1919 - Death of Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknecht

January 15th 1919: The leaders of the Communist Party, Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknecht are murdered in Berlin by members of the volu ...

Länge: 00:00:47
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1919

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Ihre Merkliste

Sie haben 1 Datei auf Ihrer Merkliste.

Clip zum heutigen Jahrestag

5. Mai 1977 // Todestag Ludwig Erhard

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