Online-Recherche zeitgeschichtliche Filmaufnahmen und Fotos

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Jahrestag // April 1st 1933 - "Boycott of Jews"

April 1st 1933: With the so-called "Boycott of Jews" the Third Reich initiates the disenfranchisement of Germanys Jewish population. Sho ...

Länge: 00:00:55
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1933
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Jahrestag // March 23rd 1933 - Enabling Act

March 23rd 1933: With the vote of the Reichstag on the "Law to Remedy the Distress of the People and the Nation", the German democracy d ...

Länge: 00:00:52
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1933
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Jahrestag // October 3rd 1929 - Gustav Stresemann dies

October 3rd 1929: Gustav Stresemann, one of the most outstanding politicians of the Weimar Republic, dies in Berlin. The 1878 born found ...

Länge: 00:01:08
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1929
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Jahrestag // May 1st 1929 - "Blood May"

May 1st 1929. In Berlin, the Social Democratic Chief of police Karl Zörgiebel imposes a ban on demonstrations for fear of unrest. The K ...

Länge: 00:00:59
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1929
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Jahrestag // October 25th 1929 - Beginning of Great Depression

October 25th 1929: On "Black Friday", the crash of New York Stock Exchange, the world economic crisis began. It was triggered by misguid ...

Länge: 00:01:00
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1929
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Jahrestag // February 23rd 1918 - Formation of the Red Army

The 23rd of February, 1918 is considered the founding date of the Red Army. Leon Trotsky, the Peoples Commissar for the military matters ...

Länge: 00:01:26
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1918
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Jahrestag // November 10th 1918 - First republican government in Germany

On November 10th 1918 the first republican government of Germany is established in. The back-story: On November 9th Chancellor Max von ...

Länge: 00:01:41
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1918
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Jahrestag // October 17th 1917 - Hindenburg tells people to endure during the First World War

(O-Ton) All the exhortations to hold out by the German High Command, could not bring about a victory in 1917 – the volunteer Adolf Hi ...

Länge: 00:01:25
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1917
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Jahrestag // August 22nd 1902 - Riefenstahl is born

On 22 August 1902: Leni Riefenstahl is born. The dancer, actress and director, became famous as well as infamous for her collaboration w ...

Länge: 00:01:36
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1902
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Jahrestag // December 26th, 1893 - Mao is born

On December 26th, 1893 Mao Zedong, the future leader of China, was born as the eldest son to a peasant family in the central Chinese pro ...

Länge: 00:01:48
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1893
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Jahrestag // September 22nd 1891 - Hans Albers is born

On September 22nd 1891 Hans Albers was born. He performs in more than 100 silent films before his roles as an adventurer and dandy in th ...

Länge: 00:01:02
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1891
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Jahrestag // July 29th 1889 - Ernst Reuter is born

Ernst Reuter was born on July 29th 1889. Immediately following his election as mayor of Magdeburg in 1931 the Social democrat stands up ...

Länge: 00:01:41
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1889
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Jahrestag // June 9th 1884 - Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Reichstag

On June 9th 1884 Kaiser Wilhelm I lays the foundation stone for the German Reichstag. The building is a symbol of German history. Here, ...

Länge: 00:01:17
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: ja
Jahr: 1884
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Jahrestag // November 30th 1874 - Winston Churchill is born

November 30th 1874: Winston Churchill is born. Churchill is considered one of Great Britains most important politicians of the 20th Cent ...

Länge: 00:00:44
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1874
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Jahrestag // October 2nd 1847 - Paul von Hindenburg is born

October 2nd 1847- Birth of Paul von Hindenburg, one of the most controversial figures in modern German history. The officers son from Ea ...

Länge: 00:00:52
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1847
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Jahrestag // November 26th, 1832 - The worlds first tramway '

At the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900, the "rolling sidewalk" is "all the rage" of public transportation. But it remains a peculiar " ...

Länge: 00:00:48
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1832

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Clip zum heutigen Jahrestag

2. Mai 1969 // Todestag Franz von Papen

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