Online-Recherche zeitgeschichtliche Filmaufnahmen und Fotos

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Footage // London-Stadtbilder

London-Stadtbilder, Schild "World Zionist Conference", David Ben Gurion redet (fordert ungehinderte Einwanderung) ...

Länge: 00:00:22
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1945
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Jahrestag // November 20th, 1945 – Nuremberg, Major War Criminals Trial begins'

With these words chief prosecutor Robert Jackson opens the Nuremberg Major War Criminal’s trial on November 20th, 1945 in Germany. Led ...

Länge: 00:01:21
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1945
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Jahrestag // January 2nd 1945 - Bombing of Nuremberg

On January 2nd 1945 a heavy bombing raid occurs on Nuremberg. Here images from the summer of 1945 after the occupation by U.S. troops. ...

Länge: 00:01:36
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: ja
Jahr: 1945
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Jahrestag // October 19th 1945 - Declaration of Guilt in Stuttgart

On October 18th and 19th of 1945 ecumenical representatives meet in war-torn Stuttgart. They asses the Churchs involvement in the terror ...

Länge: 00:01:26
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1945
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Jahrestag // November 21st 1945 - Creation of radio station RIAS Berlin

November 21st, 1945: A wired radio, the future radio station RIAS, is established in the American sector of West Berlin on the orders of ...

Länge: 00:00:51
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1945
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Jahrestag // February 13th 1945 -Air raid on Dresden

February 13th 1945: The beginning of the air raid on Dresden, one of the worst attacks of Allied bombers on German cities during World W ...

Länge: 00:01:20
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1945
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Jahrestag // April 12th 1945 - Truman becomes U.S. president

April 12th 1945: U.S. President Franklyn D. Roosevelt dies and Harry S. Truman as Vice-President becomes the 33rd President of the Uni ...

Länge: 00:01:38
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: ja
Jahr: 1945
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Jahrestag // March 7th 1945 - Capture of the bridge of Remagen by U.S. soldiers

It was a World War II myth: The Bridge of Remagen. Built during World War I to bring more troops and war materials to the Western Front ...

Länge: 00:01:06
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1945
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Jahrestag // April 21st 1945 - Red Army reaches the city limits of Berlin

April 21st 1945: The first units of the Soviet army reach the city limits of Berlin and start the encirclement of the city. By the end o ...

Länge: 00:01:09
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1945
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Jahrestag // May 7th to 9th 1945 - Surrender in Reims / Karl Horst

May 7th 1945: Meeting of the German Wehrmacht and the Allied High Command at General Eisenhowers headquarters in Reims. A historic day. ...

Länge: 00:01:05
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1945
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Jahrestag // May 8th 1945 - Victory celebrations for the end of the war

May 8th 1945 - At Trafalgar Square in London, hundreds of thousands of Britons celebrate the end of World War II. The wide relief is und ...

Länge: 00:00:50
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1945
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Jahrestag // February 4th 1945 - Beginning of the Yalta Conference

February 4th 1945: Beginning of the Yalta Conference. In the seaside resort located in Crimea, U.S. President Roosevelt, British Prime M ...

Länge: 00:00:45
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1945
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Jahrestag // January 27th 1945 - Liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp

January 27th 1945: The liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp by the Red Army, now an official day of remembrance for the victim ...

Länge: 00:01:00
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1945
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Jahrestag // September 2nd 1945 - Japans surrender

September 2nd 1945: Almost a month after atomic bombs had been dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese leadership surrenders in ...

Länge: 00:01:03
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1945
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Jahrestag // August 6th 1945 - Hiroshima Atomic Bomb

August 6th,1945 - Preparations for the deployment of the first American atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. With this act, th ...

Länge: 00:00:59
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1945
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Jahrestag // August 21st, 1944 – Preparations for the founding of the United Nations

In preparation for the founding of the United Nations – here images of the founding in 1945 – a meeting was held on August 21st, 194 ...

Länge: 00:00:56
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1944
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Jahrestag // June 6th 1944 - Landing in Normandy

June 6th 1944 : Allied invasion of Normandy. With the largest landing operation of World War II, in which both, American, British and Ca ...

Länge: 00:01:05
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1944
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Jahrestag // December 16th 1944 - Battle of the Bulge

December 16th 1944: Beginning of the so-called “Battle of the Bulge”, the last major German operation on the Western Front in World ...

Länge: 00:01:13
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: s/w
Jahr: 1944
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Jahrestag // August 25th 1944 - Allies liberate Paris

August 25th 1944: After bitter fighting between the Resistance and the German occupying power, Paris is liberated by the Allies. For the ...

Länge: 00:00:48
O-Ton: nein
Farbe: ja
Jahr: 1944

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Clip zum heutigen Jahrestag

16. April 1886 // Geburtstag Ernst Thälmann

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