
August 12th 1940 -Prelude to the Battle of Britain


August 12th – With the bombing of a British radar station the German Luftwaffe initiates the Battle of Britain. Luftwaffe chief Hermann Goering initiates the operation with great enthusiasm. It is directed mainly against industrial and military ground targets,. It soon turns into a disaster. Inadequate training of the pilots, lack of protection from major squadrons and the underestimation of the British air defense led to huge losses on the German side, from which the German Luftwaffe was not recover. In mid-September of 1940, after the lost "Battle of Britain, the attack was aborted. The British air superiority was evident. When the United States entered the war it gained force with disastrous impact, which the German population was to experience during nightly bombardments.

Länge: 00:01:04 | O-Ton: ja | Farbe: s/w | Jahr: 1940 | Clip-ID: JHT000090E


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